Citation read to Ian Jolliffe at the presentation of the IMSC Achievement Award at 9IMSC in Cape Town, 2004
This award is made to Ian Jolliffe in recognition of his contributions
to statistical climatology over his career, and particularly in
recognition of his research and outstanding pedagogical contributions
in the area of empirical orthogonal function analysis. Dr. Jolliffe
has set a strong example of pursuing goals that are consistent with
the aims of IMSC; his work has served to promote good statistical
practice in the atmospheric and climate sciences and to maintain and
enhance the communication between the atmospheric and statistical
science communities. Dr. Jolliffe has published extensively in both
the statistical and atmospheric science literatures. He has made
extensive contributions in the areas of EOF analysis and forecasting
and verification throughout his career. He has also contributed to
numerous other areas, including cluster analysis, multivariate
analysis, analysis of the lengths of runs, detection of the start of
the wet season, identification of "influential" observations
(potential outliers), the analysis of precipitation data, time series
analysis and the analysis of sudden infant death syndrome.