June 6-10, 2016, Canmore, Alberta, Canada
Contributions are invited in all aspects of the application of statistical methods in climate research and the development of new statistical methods and theories relevant to climate applications. In addition, a number of named sessions are planned, including: climate data homogenization and climate trends/variability assessment, detection and attribution of climate change including DAMIP, the attribution of extreme weather events and their impacts to external drivers of climate change, understanding climate variability and its teleconnections under global warming, extreme value theory and its applications, nonlinear methods in statistical climatology, statistical approaches for weather and climate model validation and evaluation, advanced methods for evaluating weather and climate extremes in climate model simulations, and stochastic hydrology.
The deadline for submitting an abstract is Feb. 15, 2016. Details including the venue, accommodations, and abstract submission and registration information can be found on the 13imsc website .